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Chin'Toka system
Author : bdfd
Date : May 2024
Chin'Toka is a yellow dwarf (G9V = HIP 9269) star in the Triangulum constellation.
The system has 2 M-class planets and is located only about 80.6 light-years from Sun.
The star has around 110 percent of Sol's radius, and 73 percent of its luminosity.
Chin'Toka system has 9 planets of the Alpha Quadrant near Bajor.
Chin'Toka is near SB310 (12.8 LY), Elaysia (17.5 LY) and Terellia (17.9 LY).
FYI, Cardassia is at 50.6 LY.
Different datas come from internet and say :
The system has one asteroid belt.
Belt n 1
Chin'Toka I : class B
Chin'Toka II : class M
Chin'Toka III : class M
Chin'Toka IV : class K
Chin'Toka V : class K
Chin'Toka VI : class I (Neptunian gas giant)
Chin'Toka VII : Class J (Jupiter-like)
Chin'Toka VIII : class J (Jupiter-like)
Chin'Toka IX : Class I (Neptunian gas giant)
For the beginning, 6 differents models are in the Chin'Tokan system...
All are with diffuse, emissive, normal and specular textures.
The inhabitants are Chin'Tokans (humanoids).
The ancient First Hebitian civilization on Chin'Toka Prime was a highly-developed civilization
which once thrived on the planet.
The First Hebitian burial vaults were said to be magnificent and filled with many artifacts made of jevonite.
(TNG: "Chain of Command, Part II")
Epoch time is after dominion war (> 2390).
A journey from Sun to Chin'Toka gives with okuda table :
At warp 5.0 : 137.6 days (Enterprise)
at warp 7.0 : 44.9 days (Tos)
at warp 9.0 : 19.4 days (Tng)
at warp 9.9 : 9.6 days (USS DELESTREZ v4)
at warp 9.9+: 4.1 days (Voyager)
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